

there is no one who could look at our adoption journey and not say that God has been abundantly faithful to us. he has provided almost $27,000 thus far to bring sarahjoy home. and i know he is going to finish off the remaining portion. i know that. i don't always feel that..but i know.

we have been given several opportunities along the way to do some creative fundraising. and one of them is here the entire month of october.

the sweet lady who creates hip mom jewelry has generously offered to give us 30% of the sales of her adoption jewelry for the whole month!!! it is jewelry that is specifically geared towards adoptive moms and i find it quite beautiful. it is not particularly inexpensive, but would make a wonderful gift for christmas or something special.

if you are interested, you can click on the button below or simply go here. to be clear, the fundraiser only includes her adoptive jewelry (of course, you can buy whatever you want but the 30% only is for the adoptive pieces). and, you must enter code sanzone1010 for us to get the funds.

thank you for all of your support! God has brought us this far - using many of you along the way - and i can't wait to see how he is going to bring us the rest of the way.


Holly Stone said...

Thanks Ashleigh! I needed something for my mom for Christmas :) And it helps your new baby girl as well! Miss you all!